About Amanda Jean Rocchio MSEd LMHC

Amanda Jean Rocchio is a highly driven clinician with a strong background in cognitive behavioral therapy and behavior modification. Amanda’s philosophy is based on a person-centered approach that emphasizes each client’s gifts and capabilities throughout the therapeutic process. Amanda's professional experiences have expanded her clinical skills, knowledge base, and passion for the field. She aims to set her clients up for success by adhering to a structured and goal-oriented therapeutic approach.

Clinical Background

Amanda is a Manhattan-based licensed psychotherapist and the CEO of Madison Avenue Psychotherapy PC. She is a Graduate Professor in the Applied Psychology Department at NYU. She also teaches graduate students in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Columbia University. As an educator and a licensed therapist, Amanda makes abstract clinical concepts understandable and applicable to real-life situations. She completed her graduate degree in Clinical Counseling at LIU and received clinical training at Mount Sinai Hospital and NYU Langone's Rusk Rehabilitation. Amanda has a solid educational foundation in therapeutic interventions and theoretical orientations. She has extensive experience working as a psychotherapist in private practice, and she specializes in treating adults struggling with anxiety, interpersonal conflicts, and perfectionism.

Therapeutic Approach

Principles such as compassion, positivity, and empathy act as the foundation for the work that I do as a therapist. As a licensed psychotherapist, I strive to act as an emotional support to individuals as they embark upon the journey towards attaining a more fulfilling life. 

I pose questions for clients to contest any cognitive distortions or limiting perspectives that hinder the individual’s ability to reach a level of internal tranquility. This sort of solution-focused therapy allows patients to come up with their own solutions through the way that they respond to these questions.  

My goal is to help you transform your past obstacles into future opportunities that will lead to personal growth. I measure my success through the strength in the therapeutic relationships that I establish with each client, as well as my ability to guide each individual along the process of self-discovery.

How would you describe your therapeutic process to clients?

My approach is to be fully present to each individual that I work with, focusing on ensuring that all of the individual's needs are met and that I have imparted a sense that someone truly cares. One of the most gratifying aspects of counseling is the positive feedback that I have received from patients that I have treated in previous clinical settings. In all of my past clinical experiences, I feel the essence of communicating in a supportive and relational manner is what made the difference in how each individual viewed the experience. 

As an insightful and empathetic therapist, I can assist you in fostering a healthier, more sensible self-image. I will act as your guide to help you understand your life patterns, identify the origin of your low self-esteem, and equip you with strategies to dissolve negative self-perceptions and harsh self-criticism, replacing them with self-affection and self-compassion.

Reach out to me today!

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